It’s 2021, and everybody on the internet is looking to get an edge: you want video to sell your products or service for you. And why not? Video is proven to be an excellent way to introduce an idea to the public, and its eye-grabbing nature guarantees people will pay attention (at least for a moment). These are all reasons why people choose to use video marketing.
But what if you’re not getting the expected response from video marketing?
Here are three possible reasons why your video marketing isn’t working:

1. Your messaging isn’t clear.
You may have heard the term “visual storytelling” thrown around a lot–we run a video production company in Kelowna, and we use this term all the time.
A video does not move the needle for your potential clients if it’s just a collection of pretty product shots.
You need to answer questions that the viewer is asking in their head (sometimes subconsciously). And to do this, you need a vision for your video that executes a narrative first and foremost. What is the application of your product? What problems is your non-profit solving? What can people expect when they walk into your store?
Identifying a video production team that is good at telling a story is paramount.
Another great angle to take: clearing up misconceptions. Your intended viewer may be the target audience for your new tech product, but if they don’t know what problems your product will help them solve (or if they misunderstand its purpose), they will be harder to reach. What are common misconceptions people may have about your product? Identify them and clarify the matter for your audience.
What’s your hook? How do you engage a viewer within the first five seconds to capture their attention? You won’t retain viewership if they’re not immediately grabbed by your video. The structure of the narrative is critical.
Be prepared to take a new angle when you’re preparing to make your next marketing video. Your messaging has to be clear, and it has to answer questions your potential clients may have.

2. Your Videos Aren’t Optimized Well for the Internet Age
Instagram. YouTube. TikTok. Vimeo. Facebook. They’re all platforms that you can share video to, but the similarities peter out after that.
It’s important to be considerate of the platform you’re using to get eyes on your video. Demographic studies reveal that very different types of people are using each social media platform, and they’re often looking for different things. A video designed for TikTok should be snappy, clever, and easily shareable; a video for YouTube could be long-form and detailed. An Instagram story video should utilize a portrait orientation (“vertical video”) to look natural to your clients; your Facebook video should be presented in landscape orientation (widescreen) to account for the users who view Facebook videos using a personal computer or tablet.
It can be overwhelming to think about all the different uses your video might need. Do you need separate versions of your video for each social media platform? Not necessarily. A big part of getting the most out of your video investment is to understand where your market really is. If your video is a sleek, in-depth product demonstration, you’re just not going to be able to get much mileage on Instagram–the audience isn’t there to watch something like that. If you’re making a pithy, efficient and shareable quick video that says all it needs to say in short order, it’s not a good candidate for a platform like Vimeo–your intended audience should be using one of the more “social” apps, where attention spans are short but engagement can be high. Different mediums; different methods.
If you’ve got a great video made, make sure you optimize it to match its strengths on the internet. If you’re hoping to make a video, consider where on the web the video should live before you start storyboarding and scripting.
The internet age is rapidly evolving, and changes can be quick. If you’re making the investment in video, make sure you also invest time into how you can best use it to its full potential.

3. The quality isn’t what people are used to.
We’re in a golden-age of content right now. Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime are producing their films and TV shows at a staggering rate. Amateur content creators on YouTube use professional lighting and expensive audio equipment. Things that get shared and viewed these days are of a much higher quality than they were in years past. The result of this change is evident: people click ‘play’ on a video are expecting a certain standard.
People are used to a very high quality of presentation.
This is relatively new, but it means if you’re a smaller or local figure, it’s harder to get away with a low-budget production. People are being actively re-wired, whether they like it or not, to discredit a video that doesn’t look like what they’re used to. The good news: as equipment and training has become more accessible, so have quality videographers. You don’t need to travel for or spend big to get high quality.
You do, however, have to identify who can deliver quality at a reasonable price. We’ve talked a bit already in another blog about whether or not professional video production companies are worth your money. Most videography companies can prove their suitability with their portfolio. And if what you’re looking for isn’t represented in their portfolio, give them a call and ask for any examples they might have that match your criteria.
Time and money spent creating a video that audiences will reject is a wasted resource.
Find out what local options provide the quality and standard you’re used to seeing, and open up a conversation with them to assess if they have the ability to create the video you need. Are they interested in your vision? Are they interested in ensuring you get a good return on your investment? Are they good storytellers who know how to use different mediums to your advantage?
They might seem like obvious questions. But these are the questions you need answered before you sink money into a video. A great video, or series of videos, can transform your marketing–it’s critical that you give yourself the best chance of striking gold.
Distill Media is a video production company in the interior of British Columbia dedicated to the “essentials of visual storytelling”: isolating and expressing the core messages of businesses and organizations through video. We provide industry-leading products with high return on investment.